Monday, February 23, 2009

Elegy for my Brother

Everday in this country someone will lose his or her battle with AIDS in 1999 my brother lost his battle with the disease.

The forecast predicted rain
My brother was positive for eight years
His hands were like oil based canvas that created master pieces
Embarrassed and ashamed dad disowned him out of fears
It was a beast that hid in the shadows of his t-cells
Every 12 hours of prescribed antiretroviral medication became a mission
The times that I saw his face my eyes became wells
Black trees carved into his coffin
He was lifted away into the dark night
Cemented gravel compressed into his tomb
The east winds won’t stop blowing
And the river of this epidemic keeps flowing.
Tiffany Collins ©

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Poem: A Mother's Prayer

Being a mother is one of the greatest feelings in this world. My son is the light of my life and I hope and pray that he will someday impact and change the world. So I dedicate this poem to him.

Lead him into the path of sincerity and truth
Give him the spirit of love, peace, and empowerment
Let him walk with faith and the power to conquer his dreams
Let him learn to forgive and be humble
Let him honor and respect himself as well as others
Grant him guidance when he falls
Let him achieve and believe that he can do all things
Let him grow up and make a difference in the world
Let him dance when there are down pours in his life
Let him rejoice and give thanks for the things that matter
Let him know no matter what there will always be a way.

Tiffany Collins ©

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Poetry Means to Me

Poetry is an imaginative art that captures some of life experiences such as love, the birth of a child, family, friends, and the remembrance of those who have departed this earth. Poetry is a way for me to capture my deepest emotions without writing a book. It provides an escape from the rest of the world and allows me to reflect and relive some of the things I have experienced in the journey called life.


Life is a Journey so uncover it

Life is about dreaming so believe it

Life is a battle so prepare to fight

life is about existence so learn to live it

Life is about make choices so be wise

Life is a puzzle you have to connect the right pieces.

Tiffany Collins ©

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blogging frustrations

I am really frustrated with this blogging Business I have no clue what to talk about. I want to have fun with blogging and want others to see it represented on my page. Where do I start?